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Xcode - How to make it use different plist file for same code base, different targets

I have a code base that I need to build out to two different targets. The only difference is they read different config.plists, config-1.plist for target #1 and config-2.plist for target #2. What do I need to do in the building to achieve this?

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Boon Avatar asked Apr 15 '11 21:04


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1 Answers

Like this:

  • Select your project from the navigator to the left
  • Select the target you want to change (under TARGETS)
  • Click "Build Settings"
  • Search for "Info.plist"

In the Packaging section, you should see a setting called Info.plist file.

  • Change that to you "config-2.plist" or whatever you want.

You also need to create the two plist-files of course.

like image 185
Martin Wickman Avatar answered Nov 25 '22 14:11

Martin Wickman