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Xcode Find and replace in all project files




I need to replace NSLog with DDLogVerbose in all files in the current project I am working on… What is an easy method to do this? (the search navigator only has search in it).

Also I need to add a line at the beginning of all .m files. How is this done quickly? (There are over 500 such files.)

like image 328
user426132 Avatar asked Oct 01 '13 12:10


People also ask

How to search entire Xcode project?

To find text in a file, open the file in the Xcode source editor and choose Find > Find from the menu bar. Xcode displays the Find bar and its search controls at the top of the file. Enter a search term. Xcode searches the file, highlights matches, and notes how many it finds.

How do you do find and replace in Xcode?

In the toolbar search, you have to press 'Find' then a menu appears – pick replace. Now you can replace project-wide.

1 Answers

Here are some pictures. In the toolbar search, you have to press 'Find' then a menu appears – pick replace. Now you can replace project-wide.

step 1step 2

like image 90
Souleiman Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 17:10
