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Network Link Conditioner not working on macOS Sierra

After installing the newest version of Network Link Conditioner on macOS Sierra, it doesn't appear to work. It has no effect on my network connectivity, even when set to 100% loss. Anyone experience this? Is this simply a case of Apple not updating NLC for Xcode 8?

like image 957
Zach Lucas Avatar asked Sep 30 '16 14:09

Zach Lucas

People also ask

Where is Network Link Conditioner in Mac?

The Network Link Conditioner can be found inside the Hardware folder. By double-clicking the app you can install the utility in your System Preferences. The application is quite similar to the iOS variant and also contains a list of custom presets. These can be used to simulate a range of Network conditions.

2 Answers

This issue is fixed in the latest version of the Network Link Conditioner - it's in the "Additional Tools for Xcode 8.1" download from https://developer.apple.com/download/more/.

I've tested all the built-in profiles and they work as expected.

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will_d Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10


I can't comment (not enough reputation), but figured I'd add that the Xcode 8 tools that have the Network Link Conditioner in it has changed names.


It's now in the "Additional Tools for Xcode 8", instead of "Hardware IO Tools for Xcode 7.x".

Though, that didn't fix any of the issues...

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tanya Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 16:10
