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Xcode fails without specifying and errors


All of a sudden my project fails to build in Xcode. If I look at the log I see all the needed dependencies being built, and then I get a strange error:

Verify final result code for the complete build operation
Build operation failed without specifying any errors. 
Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons.

I removed my code directory and replaced it with a backup, did a clean, tried building all the other components separately (they succeed) - nothing works. I tried a command line build, same issue.

There were only a few hits on google for this error, none offered any useful advice.

Can anyone please help?

Update: When I run the command line build, I see the following error:

2012-05-25 08:55:53.830 xcodebuild[3358:4203] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x400f35e60:'ProcessPCH MyProject-Prefix.pch':REfc(32370056113422336):deps=0:phaseNum=4>

I checked the output of xcodebuild and it is returning '65'.

I thought there might be a problem with the MyProject-Previx.pch file, so I shut off "Precompile Prefix Header", and now I get the same error with a different file:

2012-05-25 09:15:11.784 xcodebuild[3882:3703] No recorder, buildTask: <Xcode3BuildTask: 0x40048ab60:'CompileC HelperRoutines.m':REfc(33777199068741632):deps=0:phaseNum=4>
like image 819
Locksleyu Avatar asked May 25 '12 12:05


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Select your problem project and click the Delete button next to its Derived Data folder. Updated to reflect the fact that this is happening even two major versions later. Xcode 7.3 -- happening too.

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In Xcode 9.2 (at least), you can single click on the error / warning icon in the tooltip and it will expand. Show activity on this post. I'm sure if you expand the left hand pane, it shows the full error. Ensure you are in the Warnings/Errors tab.

1 Answers

Build operation failed without specifying any errors. Individual build tasks may have failed for unknown reasons. One possible cause is if there are too many (possibly zombie) processes; in this case, rebooting may fix the problem. Some individual build task failures (up to 12) may be listed below.

I've run into this problem consistently recently while running Xcode 9.0 Beta 3 and Xcode 8.3.3.

The fix is to delete ALL in the Derived Data folder. It then seems to work again.

rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData

NOTE: just cleaning the build or deleting the current build folder for a project does not seem to help.

Hope this helps :)

like image 59
maninvan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
