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Represent graph data as a key-value object


I'm starting to dig into graph databases, but i have no idea, how these graphs are stored internally. Let's say i have this graph (taken from Wikipedia):

How do i serialize this graph as a key-value object? (a Python dict, for example)

I imagine two dicts, one for vertices and one for edges:

 {'1': {'Name': 'Alice', 'Age': 18},
  '2': {'Name': 'Bob', 'Age': 22},
  '3': {'Type': 'Group', 'Name': 'Chess'}},
 {'100': {'Label': 'knows', 'Since': '2001/10/03'},
  '101': {'Label': 'knows', 'Since': '2001/10/04'},
  '102': {'Label': 'is_member', 'Since': '2005/7/01'},
  '103': {'Label': 'Members'},
  '104': {'Label': 'Members'},
  '105': {'Label': 'is_member', 'Since': '2011/02/14'}},
 'connections': [['1', '2', '100'], ['2', '1', '101'],
                 ['1', '3', '102'], ['3', '1', '103'],
                 ['3', '2', '104'], ['2', '3', '105']]}

But i'm not sure, whether this is the most practical implementation. Maybe the "connections" should be inside "vertices" dict. So, what is the best way to implement graph datastore using key-value objects? What and where can i read more about it?

Possibly related, but not a duplicate: How to represent a strange graph in some data structure

like image 458
Mirzhan Irkegulov Avatar asked Jul 05 '12 10:07

Mirzhan Irkegulov

People also ask

What is a graph based data model?

Graph Based Data Model in NoSQL is a type of Data Model which tries to focus on building the relationship between data elements. As the name suggests Graph-Based Data Model, each element here is stored as a node, and the association between these elements is often known as Links.

How do you represent a graph?

A graph can be represented using 3 data structures- adjacency matrix, adjacency list and adjacency set. An adjacency matrix can be thought of as a table with rows and columns. The row labels and column labels represent the nodes of a graph.

What is the value of a graph database?

Graph databases are purpose-built to store and navigate relationships. Relationships are first-class citizens in graph databases, and most of the value of graph databases is derived from these relationships. Graph databases use nodes to store data entities, and edges to store relationships between entities.

2 Answers

The normal pattern is to not have a separate connections structure but to put that information in the edges structure. This gives something like:

'vertices': {
    '1': {'Name': 'Alice', 'Age': 18},
    '2': {'Name': 'Bob', 'Age': 22},
    '3': {'Type': 'Group', 'Name': 'Chess'} },
'edges': [
    {'from': '1', 'to': '2', 'Label': 'knows', 'Since': '2001/10/03'},
    {'from': '2', 'to': '1', 'Label': 'knows', 'Since': '2001/10/04'},
    {'from': '1', 'to': '3', 'Label': 'is_member', 'Since': '2005/7/01'},
    {'from': '3', 'to': '1', 'Label': 'Members'},
    {'from': '3', 'to': '2', 'Label': 'Members'},
    {'from': '2', 'to': '3', 'Label': 'is_member', 'Since': '2011/02/14'} ] }
like image 163
Eamonn O'Brien-Strain Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

Eamonn O'Brien-Strain

seems ok - each object has its it, there is no duplications. it's good for 'read and process purpose'. but there is no 'best' representation. it always depends on your purpose. do you want to be able to quickly find vertices by name? or edges by date? or maybe you want to quickly test if two vertices are connected? or the opposite - you want to quickly modify some parts of the graph? each purpose requires different data structures of database tables

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piotrek Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09
