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XCode custom segue class stuck

this question might seem a little weird, but I can't wrap my head around why this is happening.

What I did was I renamed a custom segue class, and reflected it in the storyboard under 'custom class', but it still tries to call the old one.

I have cleaned the build folder and searched the project for the old custom class name and it does not find anything in xcode at least. I look inside the storyboard file, it's not there either.

Even if I delete the custom segue all toghether I get:

'Could not find a segue class named 'xxxxxxxxx''

The thing is I cannot understand from where it gets 'xxxxxxxxx' above, it is not in the storyboard file or in the code..

[[[self view] viewWithTag:1] resignFirstResponder];

When I debug this is where it goes to thread kill showing the error. I have removed all the outlets, events and segues on the textfield. I have no custom segue using 'xxxxxxxxx' as a class anywhere.

Is there any other thing I can do to clean the project more thoroughly? Where to begin?

like image 572
Ostmeistro Avatar asked May 21 '12 14:05


1 Answers

My problem was i explicitly set the "Class" name in interface builder; which was not required. It is managed by Xcode and default to UIStoryboardSegue.

like image 92
Ammar Mujeeb Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09

Ammar Mujeeb