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Xcode can't find Info.plist or Prefix.pch when making a Release build




I have a project that shares some files between a Mac application and an iPad app. Because of this, I moved the Info.plist and Prefix.pch files for each one into sub folders for Mac and iPad, respectively. I can build the iPad app in Debug configuration without issue, for the simulator and for a device. I get the following messages in the build results:

Process iPad/Fogozine-Info.plist

Precompile iPad/Fogozine_Prefix.pch

with a big green check mark next to both. Everything is fine.

When I build for Release, though, I get the following:

Process Fogozine-Info.plist

The file "Fogozine-Info.plist" couldn't be opened because there is no such file.

Precompile Fogozine_Prefix.pch

Command /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1

with big red exclamation marks next to them. Is there some build setting I'm missing that's specific to the release build? I can see there's an Info.plist entry in the Build settings, but the end result is the same regardless of if I leave it empty, set it to iPad, or set it to iPad/Fogozine-Info.plist, for all build configurations. I don't see anything related to the Prefix.pch file. This seems like a bug in Xcode. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Jose Ibanez Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 16:08

Jose Ibanez

1 Answers

I got it. I was looking in the Project's build settings, but I needed to look in the Target's build settings. The two settings I needed to modify were Info.plist File and Prefix Header. When I modified them initially, I must have only modified them for the Debug Build Configuration.

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Jose Ibanez Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 07:11

Jose Ibanez