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(Xcode and Python) error: unrecognized arguments: -NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode




I'm using Xcode with a custom debugging scheme to debug my Python program. Under "Edit Scheme", I selected Python as the executable, but when I debug the program, I see an error due to unrecognized command line arguments.

error: unrecognized arguments: -NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode

Where is that NSDocumentRevisionsDebugMode argument coming from? Why is Xcode adding that to the command line argument list?

like image 420
Stuart Berg Avatar asked Sep 07 '17 18:09

Stuart Berg

1 Answers

In the "Edit Scheme" window, in the "Options" tab, uncheck "Document Versions".

Screenshot of the "Edit Scheme" window showing the option to deselect.

like image 144
Stuart Berg Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 14:10

Stuart Berg