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Xcode 9 code snippets bug

I have a list of code snippets that works perfectly in Xcode 8.3.3, but in Xcode 9 I don't see them when I start typing. I tried to change Completion Scopes and I've got a new bug: when I press tab my snippet completes incorrectly as seen in the screenshot below. enter image description here

Here is the repository with source of snippets.

Let me know how to fix this bug please.

like image 902
Ivan Smetanin Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 01:10

Ivan Smetanin

1 Answers

I also had many comment-scope snippets starting with //, and I support your question.

I don't know how to make them work, but I can propose a temporary solution. Set Completion Scopes to All and remove // from the prefix. Then add // to the snippet body:

    MARK: - Private helpers => // MARK: - Private helpers
like image 125
kelin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
