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Xcode 8 "the aps-environment entitlement is missing from the app's signature" on submit

Very easy actually. For some reason it got disabled on Xcode 8 but go to Targets -> Capabilities and verify Push Notifications is all correct on that view. For me it had a "Fix Me" I had to click, and voila.

I also have the same problem, and I'm sure Push notification is off by default in Xcode8. I didn't notice it. Be careful about it.


There was a change in Xcode 8, where your entitlements no longer come from the App Identifiers, but from the capabilities selected in your app target. So, like Unome (the OP) said, you have to verify that Push Notifications is switched on.

For me, it wasn't a "Fix Me" button, but I had two entitlement files (one for development and one for distribution). Toggling the Push Notifications capability would add the aps-environment key - with the value development - to the development entitlements file, but it wouldn't add it to the distribution entitlements file. Copying the same key over to distribution worked to get rid of the warning email when uploading to iTunes Connect.

For most projects, it should be sufficient to toggle on Push Notifications, or if it's already on but the key isn't in the entitlements, try toggling it off and on again.

It's also worth noting that entitlements automatically get updated during archive. ie the entitlements generated for release builds can be different from entitlements generated for development builds. See here

During the app distribution process through the Xcode Organizer > Archives tab, entitlements are set onto the app by way of the provisioning profile used for code signing. It is important to be aware that the re-application of entitlements at this phase creates the opportunity for unintended entitlement differences between any prior development builds you may have tested. The primary purpose of this document is to verify that your entitlements are correct for your distribution builds for beta testing and App Store submission.

From the Xcode release notes:

Xcode 8 does not automatically copy the aps-environment entitlement from provisioning profiles at build time. This behavior is intentional. To use this entitlement, either enable Push Notifications in the project editor’s Capabilities pane, or manually add the entitlement to your entitlements file. (28076333)

This is a great change as it was always quite odd that the aps-environment entitlement didn't require the plist, but many others did.

For those of you that do not want to just blindly press "Fix Me" and do not currently have an entitlements file, it is just a plist file which is referenced in your project's Build Settings under "Code Signing Entitlements"

After a day of struggle with Xcode 8 we could not figure out why the aps-environment development was NOT added to our debug builds. It was missing from the entitlements section in the built app for debug testing... even though we had ENABLED the new Capability and the entitlements file existed. The issue is that the entitlements file needs to be set for ANY SDK in the Xcode Build Settings for Debug Entitlements.


I got the same email from Apple using XCode 7.3.1. What I did to solve the problem was:

  1. Under Capabilities > Set PUSH notification ON as stated in @Bruce Tsai answer.
  2. Under Build-Settings > Code Signing > Code Signing Identity set the developer cert for debug and the distribution cert for release, as is shown in the image:

enter image description here enter image description here