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xcode 8 push notification capabilities and entitlements file setting

when using xcode 8 doing the push notification setting, unlike xcode 7, xcode 8 need developer turn on push notifications capabilities switch ( located at TARGETS -> AppName -> Capabilities as following pic ), push notifications capabilities

then it will generate AppName.entitlements file as following

//AppName.entitlements <key>aps-environment</key> <string>development</string> 

but for production version App, if we change the string to

//AppName.entitlements <key>aps-environment</key> <string>production</string> 

then the Capabilities show a warning

Capabilities warning

and it seems no matter which string value specified in aps-environment, we can still get the push device token at application:didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:

so what is the correct setting of the push notification entitlements? thank you

like image 393
CJ Lin Avatar asked Sep 01 '16 08:09

CJ Lin

People also ask

How do I set entitlements in Xcode?

Select iOS > Resource > Property List. Name the new file " foo. entitlements " (typically, " foo " is the target name) Click the (+) next to "Entitlements File" to add a top-level item (the property list editor will use the correct schema due to the file extension)

How do I enable push notifications entitlement?

To resolve this, make sure your App ID is enabled for push notification in the Provisioning Portal. Then, sign your app with a distribution provisioning profile that includes the aps-environment entitlement. This will create the correct signature, and you can resubmit your app.

What is entitlements file in Xcode?

An app stores its entitlements as key-value pairs embedded in the code signature of its binary executable. You configure entitlements for your app by declaring capabilities for a target in Xcode. Xcode records capabilities that you add in a property list file with the . entitlements extension.

1 Answers

I was struggling with that today in Xcode 8 GM. After disabling the setting, deleting my developer portal provisioning profile and regenerating it and enabling the setting again, I was able to eliminate the warning in Xcode. Keep in mind that I didn't fiddle with the entitlements file. I left it at development environment and after archiving I got the correct aps-environment setting (production).

Seems Xcode is stilly very buggy tho even in GM

like image 66
Shardon Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 16:10
