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Xcode 7.0 The launch image set "LaunchImage" has 2 unassigned children

I just updated xcode to 7.0 and fixed most of the bugs, but I keep getting this error message:The launch image set "LaunchImage" has 2 unassigned children. I already deleted the two unassigned children and still getting this error message.

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Drew Bennett Avatar asked Sep 21 '15 12:09

Drew Bennett

2 Answers

Try to deep clean Xcode (command+alt+shift+K)

like image 114
Loegic Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 13:01


If you click the problem , Xcode will lead you directly into the Images.xcassets , manually delete the two Unassigned images , rebuild it work fine for me.

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Stephen Chen Avatar answered Jan 15 '23 15:01

Stephen Chen