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Xcode 11 crashes when copy/pasting views from different storyboards

I have a problem with Xcode 11 running on Catalina (it had the same problem with Moave). When I try to copy/paste a view or a ViewController from one storyboard to another Xcode crashes with this exception:

Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Application Specific Information:
Sending paste: to IBStructureAreaDockView from <NSMenuItem: 0x7fe24030ddd0 Paste>
ProductBuildVersion: 11A1027
ASSERTION FAILURE in /Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/IDEInterfaceBuilder/IDEInterfaceBuilder-15400/InterfaceBuilderKit/WidgetIntegration/View/IBViewIntegration.m:2451
Details:  There should only be 1 parent of all the constraint items extracted from the pasteboard: {(
Object:   <IBUIView: 0x7fe23db1c600>
Method:   -ibDidExtractObjects:fromPasteboard:intoDocument:context:
Thread:   <NSThread: 0x7fe23ac17e80>{number = 1, name = main}
  0: Sending paste: to IBStructureAreaDockView from <NSMenuItem: 0x7fe24030ddd0 Paste>
  0   -[IDEAssertionHandler handleFailureInMethod:object:fileName:lineNumber:assertionSignature:messageFormat:arguments:] (in IDEKit)
  1   _DVTAssertionHandler (in DVTFoundation)
  2   _DVTAssertionFailureHandler (in DVTFoundation)
  3   -[NSView(IBViewIntegration) ibDidExtractObjects:fromPasteboard:intoDocument:context:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
  4   -[IBUIView(IBUIViewIntegration) ibDidExtractObjects:fromPasteboard:intoDocument:context:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderCocoaTouchIntegration)
  5   -[IBDocument ibDidExtractObjects:fromPasteboard:context:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
  6   -[IBDocument insertObjectsFromPasteboard:ofType:asChildrenOfObject:atIndex:context:finishExtractingObjectsBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
  7   -[IBDocument insertOrMoveChildrenFromPasteboard:ofType:asChildrenOfObject:atIndex:context:finishExtractingObjectsBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
  8   -[IBDocument addOrMoveChildrenFromPasteboard:ofType:toObject:context:finishExtractingObjectsBlock:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
  9   -[IBStoryboardDocument addOrMoveChildrenFromPasteboard:ofType:toSceneGroup:context:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
 10   -[IBSceneDockViewController performDockPasteWithPasteboard:context:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
 11   -[IBSceneDockViewController dockViewPerformPaste:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
 12   -[IBStructureAreaDockView paste:] (in IDEInterfaceBuilderKit)
 13   -[NSApplication(NSResponder) sendAction:to:from:] (in AppKit)
 14   __37-[DVTApplication sendAction:to:from:]_block_invoke.86 (in DVTKit)
 15   DVTInvokeWithFailureHint (in DVTFoundation)
 16   -[DVTApplication sendAction:to:from:] (in DVTKit)
 17   -[NSMenuItem _corePerformAction] (in AppKit)
 18   -[NSCarbonMenuImpl performActionWithHighlightingForItemAtIndex:] (in AppKit)
 19   -[NSMenu performKeyEquivalent:] (in AppKit)
 20   routeKeyEquivalent (in AppKit)
 21   -[NSApplication(NSEvent) sendEvent:] (in AppKit)
 22   -[IDEApplication sendEvent:] (in IDEKit)
 23   -[NSApplication run] (in AppKit)
 24   NSApplicationMain (in AppKit)
 25   main (in Xcode)
 26   start (in libdyld.dylib)

Performing @selector(paste:) from sender NSMenuItem 0x7fe24030ddd0
abort() called

Application Specific Signatures:
[parentsOfItemsInConstraints count] == 1

Is it happening to someone else? Is this something not supported by storyboard?

like image 931
LorenzOliveto Avatar asked Oct 09 '19 07:10


People also ask

How do I copy a storyboard in Xcode?

You can duplicate a view (or scene) easily by selecting the whole view, then copy and paste. To copy and paste UI elements, select the element you want to copy, then copy it and paste it in the original view. Then drag the newly pasted element to the new view. Everything mouse-based.

How do I copy and paste a view controller in Xcode?

For example, if you have a view controller, you can select it then copy by going to Edit -> Copy or cmdC. Then you can paste it by going to Edit -> Paste or cmdV.

Is there any way to use storyboard and SwiftUI in same iOS Xcode project?

Yes you can do that! Here are the steps you can take to do so: Go to your current Xcode project -> Storyboard, click on the + sign (right upper corner) and search for Hosting Controller (just like you would for a button or label). Drag Hosting Controller to your Storyboard.

2 Answers

The issue for me was because i had the app running in the background. After closing the emulator i was able to copy/cut and paste (even in different storyboard files).

like image 148
Mateus Cerqueira Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 19:10

Mateus Cerqueira

Xcode->Preferences-Locations Click on the little arrow underneath "Derived Data" and delete that folder. After I did this I could cut and paste between storyboards.

like image 29
jspicer Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 20:10
