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Xcode 7 no longer has a profile refresh button - so how to add new device ids to a profile?



I've just added a new device to the provisioning portal. Previously the next step would then be to manually update the relevant profiles to add this new device, however it seems this is now handled automatically by Xcode and its no longer possible to edit the profiles via the provisioning portal to include the new device. (There is no longer an edit button in the portal).

Ok, however the latest version of Xcode (Xcode 7 GM Seed) no longer has a refresh button to update the profiles so how are you now supposed to refresh/update profiles when a new device gets added to include that new device in the profile?

like image 773
Gruntcakes Avatar asked Sep 14 '15 17:09


1 Answers

Xcode 6 had a circular arrow refresh profiles button, with Xcode 7 this has been replaced with a download profiles button. However this download button doesn't do anything in terms of updating the profiles. I tested this by:

a) Examining the profiles in the portal. They say there are N devices enabled by the profile.
b) Add a new device id to the portal. The profiles still say they enable N devices.
c) From within Xcode 7 click the download profiles button.
d) The profiles in the portal still say there are N devices enabled.
e) From within Xcode 6.4, click the refresh profiles button. It spins and does something.
f) Now the profiles say there are N + 1 devices enabled.

So until some other workaround is found, or there's a new feature in Xcode 7 that isn't common knowledge tribal knowledge yet, or its a bug in Xcode 7 and apple fix it, at the moment the only known way to update any changes to profiles is to switch back to Xcode 6.4 and refresh them from there.

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Gruntcakes Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
