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Xcode 6 open Assistant Editor in New Window

I feel like I have read every link on Google pertaining to this question, but none that I have read have helped.

All I want to do is view my Storyboard layout on the left monitor, and on my right monitor, in a new window, have the Assistant Editor open to "Preview" for my Storyboard so that I can preview the different devices sizes (clicking different storyboard views on the left screen should update the assistant editor preview on the right). This seems so simple, but has not proved to be.

Please tell me this is possible.

EDIT: This guy seems to have it working but following the steps didn't work for me.

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Nic Hubbard Avatar asked May 12 '15 18:05

Nic Hubbard

People also ask

How do I open the assistant editor in Xcode?

You can open the editor from the Xcode menu Editor -> Assisant . Nowadays, the Assistant Editor is more seen as just a second editor next to the primary editor.

How does Xcode choose assistant?

You can still ctrl+drag from storyboard to the class by the Adjust Editor button in the upper right of the storyboard. Then just select Assistant Editor on the list.

1 Answers

It's possible.. and it's awesome:

I do have this working after following the instructions linked in the OP. I think the author left out that you need to click on the view controller that you're editing in BOTH instances of the story board window to see the changes update. Then as you're editing on your main window the changes will update to the open storyboard and thus the preview will update as well. I was able to test this and achieved a somewhat desired result.

In case the link goes dead here are the instructions lined out

Here’s how you can set this up…

  1. In the Project Navigator pane, single-click a storyboard/XIB file to open it in the main Xcode window.

  2. Now double-click that same file to open it in a new window.

  3. Move the new window to another monitor and maximize it (So now you have the story board on 2 windows)

  4. Click on the new window to make sure it has input focus, then type Option+Command+Enter to open an assistant editor in that window.

  5. In the assistant editor’s jump bar click on ‘Automatic‘ to open the drop-down menu (see the screenshot below if you don’t know what this means).

  6. Click on the ‘Preview‘ menu item to open the preview editor.

  7. Click and hold next to the assistant editor’s jump bar, then drag up or left (depending on which editor layout you prefer; vertical or horizontal), to maximize the preview’s screen real estate.

Lastly... the part the author left out is that you need to select the view controller you want to edit in BOTH story board windows and then just drag the preview window to cover more of the screen.

It's not pretty but it's effective.

Edit: wording and grammar :)

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Atomhax Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 17:10
