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Xcode 6 and Embedded Frameworks only supported in iOS8

When using an embedded framework (dyld) in Xcode 6.0.1 with deployment target less that iOS 8 I get:

  • Build is successful
  • Runtime library loading error


dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/ObjectiveLyricsTouch2.framework/ObjectiveLyricsTouch2         Referenced from: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/DC65ACA9-98E5-46CD-95F8-829D3416F6C0/musiXmatch.app/musiXmatch Reason: image not found (lldb)  
like image 922
loretoparisi Avatar asked Sep 18 '14 10:09


People also ask

How do I add frameworks in Xcode?

To include a framework in your Xcode project, choose Project > Add to Project and select the framework directory. Alternatively, you can control-click your project group and choose Add Files > Existing Frameworks from the contextual menu.

What is embed framework Xcode?

Xcode supports the concept of embedding frameworks into your bundle. This is essentially the same thing as the old “Copy Files” build phase where you can copy a dependency into your app bundle under a particular directly, such as “Frameworks”.

What is Xcode framework?

XCFramework contain variants not only for device and Simulator, but for any of the platforms that Xcode supports: iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS; It supports Swift and C-based code; Can bundle up frameworks and static libraries.

1 Answers

For some time I was thinking that this is my problem as well, but for normal apps (non-iOS-8-extension) you just need to change one build setting in your casual Xcode 6 iOS Universal Framework target (set Mach-O Type to Static Library):

Set it to Static Library

There should be no problem with iTunes Connect and iOS 7 after that :)

like image 110
Maciek Czarnik Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 11:10

Maciek Czarnik