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Xcode 5 with iOS 6 SDK: 'UIAccelerometer' is unavailable: not available on OS X

I try to compile my app against the iOS 6 SDK under Xcode 5. I followed some tutorials how to use old iOS SDK's in Xcode 5: copy the SDK from an old Xcode (4.6.3) into Xcode 5.

Everything seems to be fine, I set the "Base SDK" to "iOS 6.1" and the "iOS Deployment Target" to "iOS 5.0" and download the iOS 6.1 simulator. But I get a lot of errors when I try to compile the app, like 'UIAccelerometer' is unavailable: not available on OS X

I don't want to build my app for OS X, only for iOS! I checked "Supported Platforms", but it is correcty set to "iOS".

enter image description here

enter image description here

like image 634
Manni Avatar asked Nov 20 '13 09:11


1 Answers

  • close Xcode
  • delete contents of the folder /Users/.../Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  • Xcode -> Product -> Clean
  • Xcode -> Product -> Build
like image 135
Manni Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 14:10
