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Find UIGestureRecognizer action (selector) name and target

I'm trying to find which action is triggered by a UIGestureRecognizer on which target. Unfortunately there is no property on a UIGestureRecognizer such as gesture.action or gesture.target. The gesture I'm analyzing is part of UIKit private implementation.

Partial Answer here

stackOverFlow Question 20066315

like image 877
Nicolas Manzini Avatar asked Nov 19 '13 08:11

Nicolas Manzini

1 Answers

Here's a code snippet that will list all target/action pairs associated with a gesture recognizer:

Ivar targetsIvar = class_getInstanceVariable([UIGestureRecognizer class], "_targets");
id targetActionPairs = object_getIvar(gesture, targetsIvar);

Class targetActionPairClass = NSClassFromString(@"UIGestureRecognizerTarget");
Ivar targetIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(targetActionPairClass, "_target");
Ivar actionIvar = class_getInstanceVariable(targetActionPairClass, "_action");

for (id targetActionPair in targetActionPairs)
    id target = object_getIvar(targetActionPair, targetIvar);
    SEL action = (__bridge void *)object_getIvar(targetActionPair, actionIvar);

    NSLog(@"target=%@; action=%@", target, NSStringFromSelector(action));

Note that you'll have to import <objc/runtime.h>, and that this uses private ivars and a class, so it could get you banned from the App Store.

like image 128
Austin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11
