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Xcode 4.4 - no remotes found




Post-installation of 10.8 and Xcode 4.4 when I try to push to a remote using the Xcode integration Xcode is telling me 'no remotes found'. I am still able to push successfully via command line so my actual repositories are fine. I've installed the command line tools and have tried restarting Xcode several times. Additionally, if I go to Organizer and try to select the repository all I get is a spinning activity indicator. If I select 'remotes' for a given repository it's blank. Note that Xcode does recognize git is available though as it does show which files are modified and allows commits. Reported system git version in /usr/bin/ is:

git version (Apple Git-31.1)

Is anyone else experiencing this, or do you have any suggestions for a remedy (or at least a place to look at a log to see what is going wrong)?

UPDATE 10/18/13

This issue has been resolved in Xcode 5.

like image 234
shawnwall Avatar asked Jul 30 '12 15:07


1 Answers

When you add the remote repository in Xcode or in command line (doesn't matter from where you add it) make sure that you use the full path for your repository.


From commandline it's enough to specify

git remote add <name> gituser@gitserver:example.git

when your example.git is located in gituser's home directory. However Xcode can't deal with this annotation and says "No remotes found" when you try pushing your commits to this remote repository.

In order to satisfy Xcode you should type the whole path like:

git remote add <name> gituser@gitserver:/home/gituser/example.git
like image 109
dersimn Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 04:10
