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Xcode 4.3.2 + iOS SDK 5.1 Exception Breakpoint not working

Having Followed these threads:
- Xcode always stopping at main.m after a crash - Xcode 4.2 showing the wrong line of code on error - Debugging app crashes with iOS Simulator & XCode 4 halts in main() function, not crash source

I am still crashing at 'main' as opposed to the actual line of the crash.

  • Oddly Works on iOS 4.3 simulator!
  • Does not work on iOS 5.1 simulator, or the iOS 5.0 simulator
  • I have the exception breakpoint setup and active. (Exception: All, Break: On Throw. Also have tried Break: On Catch)
  • Using Apple LLVM 3.1 compiler
  • Base SDK 5.1
  • Deploy target set to 4.0
  • Configuration is set to debug
  • Project is ARC enabled
  • XCode 4.3


like image 633
SRandazzo Avatar asked Apr 02 '12 18:04


1 Answers

Try this:

Breakpoints -> Add -> Add symbolic breakpoint. A new window pops up.

Type "objc_exception_throw" in symbol field and click Done.

like image 181
Den Telezhkin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09

Den Telezhkin