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Xcode 4.1 with more than 400 compiling errors

Probably is a stupid thing but I'm quite new with Xcode... Today I've updated to OS X Lion and XCode 4.1 but now when I try to compile my iPhone app more than 400 compiling errors appear, some of them are even from sqlite3.h, CLLocation.h and other original libraries from Apple. All errors seem to be originated by a problem with #import ...

Yesterday I was working with OS X Snow Leopard with Xcode 4.0 and all was fine. I'm using GCC 4.2 compiler in Xcode and I haven't change any configuration on Xcode or my app.

Here are some errors: http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7585/screenshotyum.png

Help please!

UPDATE: Ok, I solved the problem. It was not related with the compiler version or the base SDK, the error was that Xcode 4.1 doesn't accept the #import "/usr/include/sqlite3.h", it has to be change to #import <sqlite3.h>

More info here (only Apple Developers)

Hope this will help to other people.

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David J. Avatar asked Jul 21 '11 18:07

David J.

1 Answers

This caused me some serious headaches so thanks for posting! To clarify, after updating to Lion and Xcode 4.1 I had 400 errors because of: #import "/usr/include/sqlite3.h" but changing it to #import <sqlite3.h> solved it! Took me ages to figure this out!!!

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medley Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09
