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Xcode 4.3.1 - Packaging operation failed




Packaging operation failed - this message now showing while i try to make .ipa file for Ad Hoc distribution in Organizer

I checked certificates, checked project directories (after reading this)

Xcode dont showing any errors or something similar. Log Navigator show no errors (only old warnings).

So here is question: anyone else encountered a similar problem? And if answer is positive any suggestion to solve problem?

P.S.: in Xcode 4.2.1 all perfectly works

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Wert1go Avatar asked Mar 12 '12 09:03


4 Answers

Occasionally this is caused during automatic resigning during packaging with a different distribution certificate. This can occur when you start a new project and you're building both dev and release builds with your Team Provisioning profile, then you create a distribution (ad hoc or otherwise) certificate for this specific bundle ID and attempt to sign the archive with that new certificate.

The fix is to dig inside your build settings for the code signing identity and set the build release identity to the same distribution certificate that you're attempting to sign your archive with, either your ad hoc or app store certificate. You can leave debug builds as your team cert.

In the below example, the problem has been fixed. Use the build settings search box to look for the code signing identity. "Release" is probably set to "iOS Team Provisioning Profile" when it should be set to "iPhone Developer: Your Name" which is the same certificate you're trying to sign your archive with.

code signing

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Nick Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11


I had same problem in my project (in xcode 4.3.2) And as per all ans I checked for any png file starting with "._*" and also checked folder and its subfolder are different name.

Also checked code signing identity as per requirement. But Not Succeeded to solve this problem.

After hole days effort finally I got reason for "Packaging operation failed" error in my project.

In my case,I have classed "About_us.h" and "About_us.m" and by mistake I import header file like #import "About Us.h" (white space in middle). So when I loaded app on Device it will successfully loaded but when I try to create ipa using archive its give me error and return me Estimated App Store Size just 143 kb.

Finally while I change header like #import "About_Us.h" and try to make ipa I got real size in proper MB.

Hope this will help someone.

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Harin Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11


I get the same problem.

PNG files starting by ._ are not visible, even if you display hidden files in Finder (defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles 1 in Terminal) But if I browse my SVN folder using Versions app, I can see there are PNG files starting by ._

For each of these files, I opened it with Preview app, duplicated and re-saved with the same name, then I removed all the ._ files because they are no longer needed.

Now I can create an archive and distribute it through an IPA file.

I hope this will help you!

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Samuel Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11


I had this issue after copying my project on a flash drive with FAT filesystem. Suddenly there appeared a lot of "._" files. One of such files was in Settings.bundle. I removed these files running

find . -name "._*" -exec rm -rf {} \;
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Taras Kalapun Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11

Taras Kalapun