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UITableView reloadData() does not refresh displayed cells

I have

class StationViewController : 
    UITableViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {
  @IBOutlet var stationTableView: UITableView!

When update the data in my data source and do


this is not immediately visible on the screen. If I scroll, tilt or do anything else which forces a repaint of the screen the updated cells are visible. I can confirm that the UITableView did do the update by calling


which prints the expected cells.

The rest of the setup is a UINavigationController which has my StationViewControlleras a relationship. The IBOutlet for the stationViewController is connected to the UITableView in the storyboard file.

I seem to need a "repaint" of the screen to make my update immediately visible. How do I do that?

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Erik Henriksson Avatar asked Sep 21 '14 10:09

Erik Henriksson

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Reloading a cell/row at an IndexPath is easy and all you need to use is the reloadRows(at:, with:) .

How to reload UITableView?

If you want to reload your table view while also saving and restoring any selections, you should take a copy of the indexPathsForSelectedRows property before the reload, then re-apply those selections after calling reloadData() . With that in place, you can now call yourTableView.

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1 Answers

Thanks to Artem, I figured out I need to call reloadData() on the main thread. This is how I solved that:

func refreshUI() {
like image 103
Erik Henriksson Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Erik Henriksson