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Xamarin.IOs gives an error "either upgrade Xcode or set the managed linker behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only"

I have a Xamarin.IOs project. After doing some updates I am getting this error,

This version of Xamarin.iOS requires the iOS 11.4 SDK (shipped with Xcode 9.4). Either upgrade Xcode to get the required header files or set the managed linker behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only (to try to avoid the new APIs).

How can I set the managed linker behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only?

like image 814
Rizan Zaky Avatar asked Jul 30 '18 04:07

Rizan Zaky

1 Answers

Right click on the IOs project and select Properties.

In the Properties Window,

enter image description here

Under iOS Build section, select Link Framework SDKs Only for Linker Behavior:.

That'll set the managed linker behaviour to Link Framework SDKs Only.

like image 168
Rizan Zaky Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 11:10

Rizan Zaky