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x86 ELF Disassembler that disassembles to Intel Syntax

Is there a Disassembler that runs on Linux that has the capacity of disassembling x86 ELF executables to assembly code in the Intel syntax (i.e. operation destination register, source register; etc.)? Preferably the output disassembler would be fairly close to the NASM syntax. objdump -d works fairly well, but outputs the AT&T syntax that I sometimes find difficult to follow, and ndiasm only disassembles straight binary to my knowledge.

like image 425
J. Alfred Prufrock Avatar asked Dec 26 '22 23:12

J. Alfred Prufrock

1 Answers

you can tell objdump to use Intel syntax:

objdump -M intel -d

like image 167
iabdalkader Avatar answered Dec 31 '22 15:12
