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Wrong Unicode conversion, how to store accent characters in Delphi 2010 source code and handle character sets?

We are upgrading our project from Delphi 2006 to Delphi 2010. Old code was:

InputText: string;
InputText := SomeTEditComponent.Text;
for i := 1 to length(InputText) do
if InputText[i] in ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'Ř' { and more special characters } ] then ...

Trouble is with accent letters - compare will fail.

I tried switch source code from ANSI to UTF8 and LE UCS-2 but without luck. Only cast as AnsiChar works:

if CharInSet(AnsiChar(InputText[i]), ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z', 'Ř']) then

Funny is how Delphi works with that letters - try this in Evaluate during debugging:

Ord('Ř') = Ord('Ø')

(yes, Delphi says True, on Windows 7 Czech)

Question is: How can I store and compare simple strings without forcing them as AnsiStrings? Because if this is not working why we should use Unicode?

Thanks all for reply

Right now we are using in some parts simple CharInSet(AnsiChar(...

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DiGi Avatar asked Jul 27 '10 08:07


4 Answers

The declaration of CharInSet is

function CharInSet(C: AnsiChar; const CharSet: TSysCharSet): Boolean; overload; inline;
function CharInSet(C: WideChar; const CharSet: TSysCharSet): Boolean; overload; inline;

while TSysCharSet is

TSysCharSet = set of AnsiChar;

Thus CharInSet can only compare to a set of AnsiChar. That is why your accented character is converted to AnsiChar.

There is no equivalent to a set of WideChar as sets are limited to 256 elements. You have to implement some other means to check the character.

Something like

  specials: string = 'Ř';

if CharInSet(InputText[i], ['0'..'9', 'a'..'z']) or (Pos(InputText[I], specials) > 0) then 

might be a try. You can add more characters to specials as needed.

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Uwe Raabe Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11

Uwe Raabe

Don't rely on the encoding of your Delphi source code files.

It might be mangled when using any non-Unicode tool to work on your text files (or even buggy Unicode aware tools).

The best way is to specify your characters as a 4-digit Unicode code point.

  MyEuroSign = #$20AC;

See also my blog posting about this.

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Jeroen Wiert Pluimers Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Jeroen Wiert Pluimers

As mentioned by Uwe Raabe, the problem with Unicode char is, they're pretty large. If Delphi allowed you to create an "set of Char" it would be 8 Kb in size! An "set of AnsiChar" is only 32 bytes in size, pretty manageable.

I'd like to offer some alternatives. First is a sort of drop-in replacement for the CharInSet function, one that uses an array of CHAR to do the tests. It's only merit is that it can be called immediately from almost anywhere, but it's benefits stop there. I'd avoid this if I can:

function UnicodeCharInSet(UniChr:Char; CharArray:array of Char):Boolean;
var i:Integer;
  for i:=0 to High(CharArray) do
    if CharArray[i] = UniChr then
      Result := True;
  Result := False;

The trouble with this function is that it doesn't handle the x in ['a'..'z'] syntax and it's slow! The alternatives are faster, but aren't as close to a drop-in replacement as one might want. The first set of alternatives to be investigated are the string functions from Microsoft. Amongst them there's IsCharAlpha and IsCharAlphanumeric, they might fix lots of issues. The problem with those, all "alpha" chars are the same: You might end up with valid Alpha chars in non-enlgish non-czech languages. Alternatively you can use the TCharacter class from Embarcadero - the implementation is all in the Character.pas unit, and it looks effective, I have no idea how effective Microsoft's implementation is.

An other alternative is to write your own functions, using an "case" statement to get things to work. Here's an example:

function UnicodeCharIs(UniChr:Char):Boolean;
var i:Integer;
  case UniChr of
    'ă': Result := True;
    'ş': Result := False;
    'Ă': Result := True;
    'Ş': Result := False;
    else Result := False;

I inspected the assembler generated for this function. While Delphi has to implement a series of "if" conditions for this, it does it very effectively, way better then implementing the series of IF statements from code. But it could use a lot of improvement.

For tests that are used ALOT you might want to look for some bit-mask based implementation.

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Cosmin Prund Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Cosmin Prund

You should either use IFs instead of IN or find a WideCharSet implementation. This might help if you have a lot of sets: http://code.google.com/p/delphilhlplib/source/browse/trunk/Library/src/Extensions/DeHL.WideCharSet.pas.

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alex Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
