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Wrong result from scipy.optimize.minimize used on Fortran function using ctypes

I currently have a Fortran function that I want to optimize using SciPy wrapping it using Ctypes. Is this possible? Perhaps I've done something wrong in my implementation. For example, assume I have:


module cost_fn
  use iso_c_binding, only: c_float
  implicit none


  function sin_2_cos(x,y) bind(c)
      real(c_float) :: x, y, sin_2_cos
      sin_2_cos = sin(x)**2 * cos(y)
  end function sin_2_cos

end module cost_fn

that I compile with:

gfortran -fPIC -shared -g -o cost.so cost.f90

and then try to find a (local) minimum with:


#!/usr/bin/env python

from ctypes import *
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize as sopt

cost = cdll.LoadLibrary('./cost.so')

cost.sin_2_cos.argtypes = [POINTER(c_float), POINTER(c_float)]
cost.sin_2_cos.restype = c_float

def f2(x):
    return cost.sin_2_cos(c_float(x[0]), c_float(x[1]))
    # return np.sin(x[0])**2 * np.cos(x[1])

# print(f2( [1, 1] ))
# print(f2( [0.5 * np.pi, np.pi] ))

print( sopt.minimize( f2, (1.0, 1.0), options={'disp': True}, tol=1e-8) )

I expect a local minimum f2(pi / 2, pi) = -1. When I call f2 with the cost.sin_2_cos return value, the "minimimum" is just given at the initial guess of (1, 1). If I call f2 with the "Python" return value, optimize finds the correct minimum.

I've tried redefining sin_2_cos to take dimension(2) array input, but was seeing similar behavior. Perhaps I need to call sin_2_cos directly with minimize (but then how would I specify c_float for the arguments)? Any thoughts are appreciated!

Edit: To a comment below, note that the two commented print(f2(...)) lines produce the expected values. Thus, I believe the Fortran function is being properly called through the Python f2 function.

like image 794
Joel Kulesza Avatar asked May 16 '17 20:05

Joel Kulesza

1 Answers

Your Fortran code uses single precision floating point values (i.e. 32 bit floats). (In C, float is single precision and double is double precision.) The default method used by scipy.optimize.minimize() uses finite differences to approximate the derivatives of the function. That is, to estimate the derivative f'(x0), it computes (f(x0+eps) - f(x0))/eps, where eps is the step size. The default step size that it uses to compute the finite differences is approximately 1.49e-08. Unfortunately, this value is smaller than the spacing of single precision values around the value 1. So when the minimizer adds eps to 1, the result is still 1. That means the function is evaluated at the same point, and the finite difference result is 0. That's a condition for the minimum, so the solver decides it is done.

The solver option eps sets the finite difference step size. Set it to something larger than 1.19e-7. For example, if I use options={'disp': True, 'eps': 2e-6}, I get a solution.

By the way, you can find that value, 1.19e-7, by using numpy.finfo():

In [4]: np.finfo(np.float32(1.0)).eps
Out[4]: 1.1920929e-07

You'll also get a solution if you use the option method='nelder-mead' in the minimize() function. That method does not rely on finite differences.

Finally, you could convert the Fortran code to use double precision:

module cost_fn
  use iso_c_binding, only: c_double
  implicit none


  function sin_2_cos(x,y) bind(c)
      real(c_double) :: x, y, sin_2_cos
      sin_2_cos = sin(x)**2 * cos(y)
  end function sin_2_cos

end module cost_fn

Then change the Python code to use ctypes.c_double instead of ctypes.c_float.

like image 122
Warren Weckesser Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 06:11

Warren Weckesser