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Writing WebRTC (AudioTrackSinkInterface) raw audio to disc

I'm trying to record the audio transferred by a WebRTC PeerConnection MediaStream. I added a sink to the audio track which implements AudioTrackSinkInterface. It implements the OnData method:

void TestAudioTrackSink::OnData(const void* audio_data, int bits_per_sample, int sample_rate, size_t number_of_channels, size_t number_of_frames) {
    size_t valueCount = number_of_channels * number_of_frames;
    int16_t *_data = (int16_t*)audio_data;

    f.write((char*)&_data, sizeof(int16_t) * valueCount);

f is an ofstream. Bits per sample is 16, sample rate is 16000, channels is 1, frames is 160.

But when I open the created file with AudaCity raw import (signed 16bit PCM, little endian, mono, sample rate 16000) I am not getting meaningful audio.

How to I correctly write that raw audio date?

like image 929
ZoolWay Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 15:11


1 Answers

Turned out in the end I access the data where the pointer itself was stored and not where it was pointing to, a classic. The correct implementation of my method would look like:

void TestAudioTrackSink::OnData(const void* audio_data, int bits_per_sample, int sample_rate, size_t number_of_channels, size_t number_of_frames) {
    size_t number_of_bytes = number_of_channels * number_of_frames * sizeof(int16_t); //assuming bits_per_sample is 16      
    f.write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(audio_data), number_of_bytes);

Note: For more processing of webrtc native retrieved and sent audio data I am checking out a custom AudioDeviceModule now.

like image 101
ZoolWay Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 00:10
