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Add dependency to .net core csproj file


I am using prerelase version of .net core (build 1.0.0-preview3-004031). There is no project.json files and they replaced with csproj.

I can't find any sample describing how to add dependency to csproj for .net core.

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Samvel Siradeghyan Avatar asked Nov 07 '16 07:11

Samvel Siradeghyan

People also ask

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One method of adding references to your library is by typing it directly in the project. json file. As you can see that we have added some references under the dependencies section as shown in the following code. Let us now save this file and you will see that references are added to your library now.

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csproj file tells dotnet how to build the ASP.NET application. It's one of the most important files in an ASP.NET project. An ASP.NET project can depend on third-party libraries developed by other developers. Usually, these libraries are installed as Nuget packages using Nuget package manager.

1 Answers

You can find a few information about the .net core csproj in the .NET Blog.

There you'll find a csproj sample and also how to migrate from project.json to csproj. There's also a link to project.json to csproj mapping by scenario.

like image 130
Fabricio Koch Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 16:09

Fabricio Koch