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Writing the Identity monad in terms of Free

In "Data types a la carte" Swierstra writes that given Free (which he calls Term) and Zero you can implement the Identity monad:

data Term f a = Pure a
              | Impure (f (Term f a))
data Zero a

Term Zero is now the Identity monad. I understand why this is. The issue is that I can never use Term Zero as a Monad because of the pesky Functor f => constraint:

instance Functor f => Monad (Term f) where
    return x = Pure x
    (Pure x) >>= f = f x 
    (Impure f) >>= t = Impure (fmap (>>=f) t) 

How do I make Zero a Functor?

instance Functor Zero where
    fmap f z = ???

It seems like there's a trick here: Since Zero has no constructors, Impure can never be used, and so the Impure case of >>= is never called. This means fmap is never called, so there's a sense in which this is ok:

instance Functor Zero where
    fmap f z = undefined

The problem is, this feels like cheating. What am I missing? Is Zero actually a Functor? Or perhaps Zero isn't a Functor, and this is a shortcoming of how we express Free in Haskell?

like image 273
Alex Beal Avatar asked Sep 22 '15 04:09

Alex Beal

2 Answers

If you turn on DeriveFunctor, you can write

data Zero a deriving Functor

but you might consider that cheating. If you want to write it yourself, you can turn on EmptyCase, instead, then write the funky-looking

instance Functor Zero where
    fmap f z = case z of
like image 83
Daniel Wagner Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10

Daniel Wagner

A trick way of defining Zero a is the following.

newtype Zero a = Zero (Zero a)

In other words, it encodes the sort of silly, slightly non-obvious statement that there is actually one way to get a value of Zero a: you must already have one!

With this definition, absurd :: Zero a -> b is definable in a "natural" way

absurd :: Zero a -> b
absurd (Zero z) = absurd z

In some sense these definitions are all legal because they point out exactly how they are not possible to instantiate. No values of Zero a can be constructed unless someone else "cheats" first.

instance Functor Zero where
  fmap f = absurd
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J. Abrahamson Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 15:10

J. Abrahamson