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Writing pandas DataFrame to JSON in unicode

I'm trying to write a pandas DataFrame containing unicode to json, but the built in .to_json function escapes the characters. How do I fix this?


import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([['τ', 'a', 1], ['π', 'b', 2]]) df.to_json('df.json') 

This gives:


Which differs from the desired result:


I have tried adding the force_ascii=False argument:
import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame([['τ', 'a', 1], ['π', 'b', 2]]) df.to_json('df.json', force_ascii=False) 

But this gives the following error:

UnicodeEncodeError: 'charmap' codec can't encode character '\u03c4' in position 11: character maps to <undefined> 

I'm using WinPython 64bit with pandas 0.18.0
like image 620
Swier Avatar asked Sep 21 '16 09:09


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1 Answers

Opening a file with the encoding set to utf-8, and then passing that file to the .to_json function fixes the problem:

with open('df.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:     df.to_json(file, force_ascii=False) 

gives the correct:


Note: it does still require the force_ascii=False argument.

like image 62
Swier Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
