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Writing OO Javascript with jQuery

I come from a Prototype JS background where OO Javascript is encouraged through the use of Class.create(). Now I am doing some JQuery work and I am trying to write some properly structured JQuery code where I can, for example, call the same object function from two different click event handlers.

Here is the code in Prototype:

document.observe("dom:loaded", function() {

    // create document
    APP.pageHelper = new APP.PageHelper();


// namespace our code
window.APP = {};

// my class
APP.PageHelper = Class.create({

  // automatically called
  initialize: function(name, sound) {
    this.myValue = "Foo";

    // attach event handlers, binding to 'this' object
    $("myButton").observe("click", this.displayMessage.bind(this))


  displayMessage: function() {
    console.log("My value: " + this.myValue); // 'this' is the object not the clicked button!


I am wondering how the following code can be replicated in JQuery where there is no way to bind a function call to the object it is called in, and 'this' is always the element clicked.

I have heard of a way to do it the Douglas Crockford 'module' pattern (http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2007/06/12/module-pattern/) but I would love if someone could show me how you would implement the code above using JQuery and that pattern.

Thanks in advance.

like image 913
Ciaran Archer Avatar asked May 05 '11 21:05

Ciaran Archer

1 Answers

I roll my own objects based on this good article:


I just choose whichever pattern makes sense for the project I'm working on. So like a quick example to do what you're asking would be:

$.myNamespace.myClass = function (options) {
    this.settings = $.extend({ ... defaults ... }, options);
$.myNamespace.myClass.prototype.settings = {
    someValue: 'default',
    someSelector: '#myButton'
$.myNamespace.myClass.prototype.init = function () {
    var self = this;
    $(self.settings.someSelector).click(function (event) {

You responded below that you knew about prototype but the syntax is a bit annoying. I think that's just a matter of being used to one syntax over another. I'm sure the Prototype library makes use of closures and .prototype just like I did above and like some other answers suggest below. In the end, just write syntax that you feel comfortable with. The suggestion to use Coffee Script is cool too - whatever floats your boat :)

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Milimetric Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
