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Socket.io-Stream not sending to Client

I'm am trying to send (relay) a continuous stream of utf-8 data from server to client. While I can eyeball the data arriving on the server, I cannot pipe it into the Socket and forward it to the Client.

Nodejs Server,

var io = require('socket.io')(server);
app.io = io;
var dsteem = require('dsteem')
var es = require('event-stream') 
var client = new dsteem.Client('https://api.steemit.com')
var ss = require('socket.io-stream'); 
var outBoundStream = ss.createStream();
var stream = client.blockchain.getBlockStream();

io.on('connection', function(socket) {
    /* Eyeball the data in the nodejs console */ 
    stream.pipe(es.map(function(block, callback) {
    callback(null, util.inspect(block, {colors: true, depth: null}) + '\n')
    /* Send stream data to client */
    ss(socket).on('ready', function(){
        console.log('Here it comes...');
        ss(socket).emit('sending', function(){
            stream.pipe(es.map(function(block, callback) {
            callback(null, util.inspect(block, {colors: true, depth: null}) + '\n')

    ss(socket).on('disconnect', function(){

The data from .getBlockStream() that I can see in the nodejs console looks like something like this snip,

 '306e6f2b11e6bd6e2ef37acbe6e593ef2d1c0e1e' ] }


<script src="/socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
<script src="/javascripts/socket.io-stream.js"></script>
$(function () {
    var socket = io();
    ss(socket).emit('ready', 'Client ready, send me a stream...');
    ss(socket).on('sending', function(stream, d){

In the browser console I'm only seeing this function,

ƒ () {
        var args = slice.call(arguments);
        args = self.encoder.encode(args);
        ack.apply(this, args);

Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong?

like image 948
Colin Avatar asked Feb 06 '18 15:02


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1 Answers

The issue happens because you have below code

ss(socket).emit('sending', function(){
   stream.pipe(es.map(function(block, callback) {
   callback(null, util.inspect(block, {colors: true, depth: null}) + '\n')

The second parameter of emit method expects data and your are sending it a function and hence what you receive on client side is a blank function

The fix is simple, just send the data

io.on('connection', function(socket) {
    /* Eyeball the data in the nodejs console */
    /* Send stream data to client */
    ss(socket).on('ready', function(){
        console.log('Here it comes...');
        stream.pipe(es.map(function(block, callback) {
            ss(socket).emit('sending', block);
            callback(null, util.inspect(block, {colors: true, depth: null}) + '\n')



    ss(socket).on('disconnect', function(){

Once that is done, you can see the data on client side

data client

like image 185
Tarun Lalwani Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 19:10

Tarun Lalwani