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jQuery dialog losing focus on scrolling

I have a jQuery dialog below. I'm using jQuery UI 1.11.

  closeOnEscape: false,
  modal: true,
  dialogClass: 'contactsFooter', 
  open: function(event, ui) {
    $(".contactsFooter").append('<div class="" id="dialog_footer"><div class="dialog-footer-buttons"><button type="button" id ="close" class="button-style-2" onclick="$(\'#hasChangedForm\').val(\'\');" style="margin-left: 5px;">Cancel</button></div></div>');
  autoOpen: false,          
  width: 300,
  minHeight: 'auto',
  maxHeight: 400,
  position: { my: 'top', at: 'top+50' },
  close:function() {
    $('#contactContainer').dialog("option", "position", { my:"top", at:"top+50", of: window });


Here is the Fiddle. In that fiddle,

  1. Click any of the textbox (means focus. In this example it is the one we have the value "test here").

  2. Now scroll the dialog by clicking the scrollbar of the dialog and drag it down / up and see what is happening. It is loosing the focus on the textbox we clicked. If I press tab, it is setting the focus to the first field again. This is weird.

If I use mouse scroll, the focus is still there on the same field. This is normal.

Frankly, I don't know why this is happening. Can someone help me for how do I prevent the dialog loosing focus when scrolling? I want the focus to be retained on the same field.

like image 911
Linga Avatar asked Sep 14 '16 07:09


1 Answers

Fixed. The problem is the tabindex.

I let you a fiddle working. The trick is removing the tabindex just after the initialization of the dialog, it can be done like this:


If you want this behaviour to be permanent you can edit the jQuery source code. If you reach the dialog section you are going to see a function called _createWrapper. Inside, you can see something like this:

.attr( {

            // Setting tabIndex makes the div focusable
            tabIndex: -1,
            role: "dialog"
        } )

Remove the tabindex from there, and that's all!

like image 64
Iván Rodríguez Torres Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Iván Rodríguez Torres