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Writing multiline text files in Lua

I would like to know the best way to make my script write something into a file (lets say text.txt) in a way that would always add a line break at the end. When I append text using

file = io.open("test.txt", "a")

twice, the file looks like:


But I want it to look like:

like image 995
user2999071 Avatar asked Aug 09 '14 12:08


2 Answers

Unlike print, the new line character isn't added automatically when calling io.write, you can add it yourself:

file:write("hello", "\n")
like image 63
Yu Hao Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 07:10

Yu Hao

The easiest way to achieve this would be to include a Newline character sequence every time you call the write method like so: file:write("hello\n") or so: file:write("hello", "\n"). This way, a script such as

file = io.open(test.txt, "a")
file:write("hello", "\n")
file:write("hello", "\n")

would result in the desired output:


There are, however, many other solutions to this (some being more elegant than the others). When outputting text in Java, for example, there are special methods such as BufferedWriter#newLine(), which will do the same thing in a more cleaner fashion. So if your interested in a different way of achieving this, I suggest you read up on the Lua docs for analogous methods/solutions.

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Priidu Neemre Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Priidu Neemre