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Writing fusible O(1) update for vector

It is continuation of this question. Since vector library doesn't seem to have a fusible O(1) update function, I am wondering if it is possible to write a fusible O(1) update function that doesn't involve unsafeFreeze and unsafeThaw. It would use vector stream representation, I guess - I am not familiar with how to write one using stream and unstream - hence, this question. The reason is this will give us the ability to write a cache-friendly update function on vector where only a narrow region of vector is being modified, and so, we don't want to walk through entire vector just to process that narrow region (and this operation can happen billions of times in each function call - so, the motivation to keep the overhead really low). The transformation functions like map process entire vector - so they will be too slow.

I have a toy example of what I want to do, but the upd function below uses unsafeThaw and unsafeFreeze - it doesn't seem to be optimized away in the core, and also breaks the promise of not using the buffer further:

module Main where
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as MU
import Control.Monad.ST

upd :: Vector Int -> Int -> Int -> Vector Int
upd v i x = runST $ do
          v' <- U.unsafeThaw v
          MU.write v' i x
          U.unsafeFreeze v'

sum :: Vector Int -> Int
sum = U.sum . (\x -> upd x 0 73) . (\x -> upd x 1 61)

main = print $ Main.sum $ U.fromList [1..3]

I know how to implement imperative algorithms using STVector. In case you are wondering why this alternative approach, I want to try out this approach of using pure vectors to check how GHC transformation of a particular algorithm differs when written using fusible pure vector streams (with monadic operations under the hood of course).

When the algorithm is written using STVector, it doesn't seem to be as nicely iterative as I would like it to be (I guess it is harder for GHC optimizer to spot loops when there is lot of mutability strewn around). So, I am investigating this alternative approach to see I can get a nicer loop in there.

like image 964
Sal Avatar asked Mar 23 '23 15:03


1 Answers

The upd function you have written does not look correct, let alone fusable. Fusion is a library level optimization and requires you to write your code out of certain primatives. In this case what you want is not just fusion, but recycling which can be easily achieved via the bulk update operations such as // and update. These operations will fuse, and even happen in place much of the time.

If you really want to write your own destructive update based code DO NOT use unsafeThaw--use modify

like image 82
Philip JF Avatar answered Apr 01 '23 18:04

Philip JF