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writing exif data in php

I'm trying to create a website where I can add and modify metadata within a JPEG file.

Is there a way in which I can write the exif data in a fairly easy way.

I have seen one or two examples, but they are they too complex to grasp in the timeframe I have been given.

I am aware of IPTC and I know metadata can be added to the JPEG file. But what would be the correct way of doing this?

If someone could provide some help on how to add metadata to JPEG using EXIF or IPTC or any other library or feature of PHP then I'd be highly appreciative.


First of all thanks for the reply by dbers.

I've looked through the code. I've managed to get it to add the default tags into the JPG.

I am still a bit confused as to what small portions of the code mean.

For example writing exif data in the php function:

function iptc_make_tag($rec, $data, $value) 
    $length = strlen($value); 
    $retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);

I haven't come across a function variable, and how are $rec, $data and $value being referenced if they havent been defined. Or are they taken from iptc_make_tag?

I echoed out $rec and $value but I dont get a value back on screen.


I'm not sure what APP13 means and when I try to echo out $info, I just get the following when I echo out $info in a table.

'2#120' => 'Test image',
'2#116' => 'Copyright 2008-2009, The PHP Group'
like image 743
lovinxlost Avatar asked Mar 21 '11 23:03


Video Answer

2 Answers

I know you found the solution, but this might help anyone else that s looking for the same thing!

I modified a class that I found here (thanks debers).

And all the references to IPTC tags can be readed from this PDF

And now the code (PHP >= 5.4):

define("IPTC_OBJECT_NAME", "005");
define("IPTC_EDIT_STATUS", "007");
define("IPTC_PRIORITY", "010");
define("IPTC_CATEGORY", "015");
define("IPTC_KEYWORDS", "025");
define("IPTC_RELEASE_DATE", "030");
define("IPTC_RELEASE_TIME", "035");
define("IPTC_REFERENCE_SERVICE", "045");
define("IPTC_REFERENCE_DATE", "047");
define("IPTC_REFERENCE_NUMBER", "050");
define("IPTC_CREATED_DATE", "055");
define("IPTC_CREATED_TIME", "060");
define("IPTC_PROGRAM_VERSION", "070");
define("IPTC_OBJECT_CYCLE", "075");
define("IPTC_BYLINE", "080");
define("IPTC_BYLINE_TITLE", "085");
define("IPTC_CITY", "090");
define("IPTC_PROVINCE_STATE", "095");
define("IPTC_COUNTRY_CODE", "100");
define("IPTC_COUNTRY", "101");
define("IPTC_HEADLINE", "105");
define("IPTC_CREDIT", "110");
define("IPTC_SOURCE", "115");
define("IPTC_COPYRIGHT_STRING", "116");
define("IPTC_CAPTION", "120");
define("IPTC_LOCAL_CAPTION", "121");

class IPTC
    var $meta = [];
    var $file = null;

    function __construct($filename)
        $info = null;

        $size = getimagesize($filename, $info);

        if(isset($info["APP13"])) $this->meta = iptcparse($info["APP13"]);

        $this->file = $filename;

    function getValue($tag)
        return isset($this->meta["2#$tag"]) ? $this->meta["2#$tag"][0] : "";

    function setValue($tag, $data)
        $this->meta["2#$tag"] = [$data];


    private function write()
        $mode = 0;

        $content = iptcembed($this->binary(), $this->file, $mode);   

        $filename = $this->file;

        if(file_exists($this->file)) unlink($this->file);

        $fp = fopen($this->file, "w");
        fwrite($fp, $content);

    private function binary()
        $data = "";

        foreach(array_keys($this->meta) as $key)
            $tag = str_replace("2#", "", $key);
            $data .= $this->iptc_maketag(2, $tag, $this->meta[$key][0]);

        return $data;

    function iptc_maketag($rec, $data, $value)
        $length = strlen($value);
        $retval = chr(0x1C) . chr($rec) . chr($data);

        if($length < 0x8000)
            $retval .= chr($length >> 8) .  chr($length & 0xFF);
            $retval .= chr(0x80) . 
                       chr(0x04) . 
                       chr(($length >> 24) & 0xFF) . 
                       chr(($length >> 16) & 0xFF) . 
                       chr(($length >> 8) & 0xFF) . 
                       chr($length & 0xFF);

        return $retval . $value;            

    function dump()
        echo "<pre>";
        echo "</pre>";

    #requires GD library installed
    function removeAllTags()
        $this->meta = [];
        $img = imagecreatefromstring(implode(file($this->file)));
        if(file_exists($this->file)) unlink($this->file);
        imagejpeg($img, $this->file, 100);

$file = "photo.jpg";
$objIPTC = new IPTC($file);

//set title
$objIPTC->setValue(IPTC_HEADLINE, "A title for this picture");

//set description
$objIPTC->setValue(IPTC_CAPTION, "Some words describing what can be seen in this picture.");

echo $objIPTC->getValue(IPTC_HEADLINE);
like image 84
Matías Cánepa Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Matías Cánepa

Maybe u can try :

  • PEL(PHP Exif Library). A library for reading and writing Exif headers in JPEG and TIFF images using PHP.
  • The PHP JPEG Metadata Toolkit. Allows reading, writing and display of the following JPEG metadata formats: EXIF 2.2, XMP / RDF, IPTC-NAA IIM 4.1 ect
  • ExifTool by perl. The ExifTool is excellent. It’s basically got it all – EXIF, IPTC and XMP support (read/write) and support for manufacturer extensions.
like image 29
Riceball LEE Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Riceball LEE