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PHP constructors and static functions

I'm a bit confused on how constructors work in PHP.

I have a class with a constructor which gets called when I instantiate a new object.

$foo = new Foo($args);

__construct($params) is called in the class Foo and it executes the appropriate initialization code.

However when I use the class to call a static function, the constructor is called again.

$bar = Foo::some_function(); //runs the constructor from Foo

This causes the constructor to execute, running the object initialization code that I intended only for when I create a new Foo object.

Am I missing the point of how constructors work? Or is there a way to prevent __construct() from executing when I use the class to make static function calls?

Should I use a "factory" function instead to do the object initialization? If so, what's the point of the constructor then?

::EDIT:: I have a form where users can upload photos to an album (create_photo.php) and an area where they can view the album (view_photos.php). Upon form submit:

$photo = new Photo($_FILES['photo'], $_POST['arg1'], ect..);

The Photo constructor creates and saves the photo. However in view_photo.php, when I call:

$photo = Photo::find_by_id($_POST['id']) //user-defined function to query database

This is causing Photo's constructor to run!

like image 760
bar1024 Avatar asked Nov 22 '11 17:11


People also ask

What are static functions in PHP?

The static keyword is used to declare properties and methods of a class as static. Static properties and methods can be used without creating an instance of the class. The static keyword is also used to declare variables in a function which keep their value after the function has ended.

Should I use static function PHP?

When to define static methods ? The static keyword is used in the context of variables and methods that are common to all the objects of the class. Therefore, any logic which can be shared among multiple instances of a class should be extracted and put inside the static method.

What is a constructor function in PHP?

A constructor allows you to initialize an object's properties upon creation of the object. If you create a __construct() function, PHP will automatically call this function when you create an object from a class.

Can we use constructor in static method?

No, we can't use “this” keyword inside a static method. “this” refers to current instance of the class. But if we define a method as static , class instance will not have access to it, only CLR executes that block of code. Hence we can't use “this” keyword inside static method.

2 Answers

I see nothing that replicates your question.

See Demo: http://codepad.org/h2TMPYUV


class Foo {
    function __construct(){ 
        echo 'hi!';
    static function bar(){
        return 'there';

echo Foo::bar(); //output: "there"
like image 95
Naftali Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10


Assumption PHP 5.x

Different goals, different path

  1. create a new instance of a class (object)

    class myClassA
       public $lv;
       public function __construct($par)
           echo "Inside the constructor\n";
           $this->lv = $par;
    $a = new myClassA(11);
    $b = new myClassA(63);

    because we create a new object PHP calls:


    of the new object, so:

    $a->lv == 11 
    $b->lv == 63
  2. use a function of a class

    class myClassB
        public static $sv;
        public static function psf($par)
            self::$sv = $par;
    $rf = &myClassB::$sv;

    now $rf == "Hi."

    function or variabiles must defined static to be accessed by ::, no object is created calling "psf", the "class variable" sv has only 1 instance inside the class.

  3. use a singleton created by a Factory (myClassA is above)

    class myClassC
        private static $singleton;
        public static function getInstance($par){
                self::$singleton = new myClassA($par);
            return self::$singleton;
    $g = myClassC::getInstance("gino");
    echo "got G\n";
    $p = myClassC::getInstance("pino");
    echo "got P\n";

Using the factory (getInstance) the first time we construct a new object having $par set to gino.

Using the factory the second time $singleton has already a value that we return. No new object is created (no __construct is called, less memory & cpu is used).

The value of course is an object instanceOf myClassA and don't forget:

myClassC::$singleton->lv == "gino"

Pay attention to singletons:

What is so bad about singletons?


By my answer I don't want promote/demote singleton. Simply from the words in the question, I made this calc:


like image 43
Ivan Buttinoni Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 17:10

Ivan Buttinoni