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Writing conditional HTML with razor

Depending on my record, I'd like to change the style of the table row in my current iteration.

The below example doesn't work, but how would I go about doing this correctly?

 foreach (var item in Model)
                        if (item.DataState != DataState.Active)
                            <tr style="background-color: red">

So effectively, I'd like to dynamically render the <tr> element differently based on the DataState of my model.

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Daniel Minnaar Avatar asked Nov 29 '22 01:11

Daniel Minnaar

2 Answers

Here's a shorter approach:

@foreach (var item in Model)
    <tr @(item.DataState != DataState.Active ? "style=background-color:red" : "")>

Edit: Code fixed

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Skuami Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 23:12


There are multiple way you can write condition.

Option 1:

@foreach (var item in Model)
    if (item.DataState != DataState.Active)
        <tr style="background-color: red">

Option 2:

@foreach (var item in Model)
    <tr style="@( item.DataState != DataState.Active ? "background-color: red;" : "" )">
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Sender Avatar answered Dec 10 '22 22:12
