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Writing a polling Windows service

I usually write Windows services in C# but I'm giving it a go in F#. For a polling serivce, like this one, I ordinarily use a class I've written, which is similar to BackgroundWorker. It spawns a background thread and fires an OnWork method at regular intervals. (Complete code is here [github].)

Is there another, perhaps better or more idiomatic, way to do this in F#? It could be a better way to write the polling background worker class, or built-in alternatives to it.


Here's what I came up, based on Joel's suggestion.

module Async =
  open System.Diagnostics

  let poll interval work =
    let sw = Stopwatch()
    let rec loop() =
      async {
        let elapsed = int sw.ElapsedMilliseconds
        if elapsed < interval then
          do! Async.Sleep(interval - elapsed)
        return! loop()

open System.Threading
let cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
Async.Start(Async.poll 2000 (fun () -> printfn "%A" DateTime.Now), cts.Token)

The service using poll:

type MyService() =
  inherit System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase()

  let mutable cts = new CancellationTokenSource()
  let interval = 2000

  override __.OnStart(_) = 
    let polling = Async.poll interval (fun () ->
      //do work
    Async.Start(polling, cts.Token)

  override __.OnStop() = 
    cts <- new CancellationTokenSource()

  override __.Dispose(disposing) =
    if disposing then cts.Dispose()

I wish there was a way to avoid the mutable CancellationTokenSource, but alas.

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Daniel Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 18:09


1 Answers

I might be tempted to write a simple loop in an asynchronous workflow. You can use do! Async.Sleep interval to sleep in between polling - this has two advantages: you're not tying up a thread just to have it sit idle with Thread.Sleep, and the do! automatically checks for cancellation for you if you pass a CancellationToken into Async.Start.

Plus, if your polling operation involves network communication, you're already in an async workflow, making it trivial to make async network calls.

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Joel Mueller Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 19:11

Joel Mueller