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write cell array of combined string and numerical input into text file




Consider the following:

DateTime = {'2007-01-01 00:00';'2007-02-01 00:00';'2007-03-01 00:00'};
Headers = {'Datetime','Data'};
Dat = [100,200,300];

Data = [DateTime,num2cell(Dat')];
Final = [Headers;Data];

How would I write the data in 'Final' into a tab delimited text file. I know how to use fopen, fprintf and so on when the variable is composed of solely numerical inputs but am struggling to solve this problem. I have tried:

fid = fopen('C:\Documents\test.txt','wt');

However, this does not generate a text file that is in the same format as that generated in matlab. How can this problem be solved?

like image 459
KatyB Avatar asked Jan 08 '13 11:01


1 Answers

This solution gives what I think you need; some remarks which I hope to be useful are on side

 DateTime = {'2007-01-01 00:00';'2007-02-01 00:00';'2007-03-01 00:00'};
 Headers = {'Datetime','Data'};
 Dat = [100,200,300];

 % // In the way you used fprintf it expects just strings ('%s\t%s\n'), 
 % // therefore Data should be composed exclusively by them.
 % // Numbers are converted to strings by using num2str
 % // by using cellfun we iteratively convert every element of num2cell(Dat')
 % // in strings, obtaining a cell
 Data = [DateTime,cellfun(@num2str, num2cell(Dat'), 'UniformOutput' , false )]; 
 Final = [Headers;Data];

 fid = fopen('test.txt','wt');

 % // this iterates fprintf on the cell rows, giving you the output
 cellfun(@(x,y) fprintf(fid,'%s\t%s\n',x,y),Final(:,1),Final(:,2));       


 Datetime   Data
 2007-01-01 00:00   100
 2007-02-01 00:00   200
 2007-03-01 00:00   300

EDIT:(from comments) in the general case of a N-columns cell, you can simply go for a for loop, e.g.

for i = 1 : size(Final,1)
    fprintf(fid,'%s ', Final{i,:} );

(same result, but not depending on the number of columns).

like image 90
Acorbe Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 23:10
