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Generalized eigenvectors in MATLAB?



Is there a way to obtain generalized eigenvectors in case of high multiplicity of eigenvalues with a single one or at least very few commands ? In case of multiplicity 1 for each eigenvalue I can use [V,D] = eig(A), but this command doesn't work for multiple eigenvalues.

like image 549
slezadav Avatar asked Oct 01 '12 11:10


1 Answers

According to Matlab documentation, [V,D] = eig(A,B) produces a diagonal matrix D of generalized eigenvalues and a full matrix V whose columns are the corresponding eigenvectors so that A*V = B*V*D

Here an example how to do it yourself... First we enter a sample matrix A:

 A = [ 35  -12   4   30 ;
       22   -8   3   19 ;
      -10    3   0   -9 ;
      -27    9  -3  -23 ]; 

Then we explore its characteristic polynomial, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors.

 ans = 
     1.0000   -4.0000    6.0000   -4.0000    1.0000 

These are the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial, which hence is (λ − 1)^4 Then

 [V, D] = eigensys(A) 
 V = 
 [ 1, 0] 
 [ 0, 1] 
 [-1, 3] 
 [-1, 0] 

 D = 

Thus MATLAB finds only the two independent eigenvectors

 w1 = [1  0  -1  -1]';     
 w2 = [0  1   3   0]'; 

associated with the single multiplicity 4 eigenvalue λ=1 , which therefore has defect 2.
So we set up the 4x4 identity matrix and the matrix B=A-λI

  Id = eye(4);        
  B = A - L*Id; 

with L=1, When we calculate B^2 and B^3

  B2 = B*B      
  B3 = B2*B 

We find that B2 ≠ 0, but B3 = 0, so there should be a length 3 chain associated with
the eigenvalue λ = 1 . Choosing the first generalized eigenvector

 u1 = [1  0  0  0]'; 

we calculate the further generalized eigenvectors

 u2 = B*u1 
 u2 = 


 u3 = B*u2 
 u3 = 

Thus we have found the length 3 chain {u3, u2, u1} based on the (ordinary) eigenvector u3. (To reconcile this result with MATLAB's eigensys calculation, you can check that u3-42w1=7w2)

like image 172
bla Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 01:10
