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write async function with EventEmitter

I am new in node and try to use async and event behavior advantages in node. I used to understand from node, everything that handle with Event object, it gonna be async execution.
Then i had try this, consider following code:

var events = require("events");

var event = new events.EventEmitter();

event.on("work", function () {

    for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        console.log("I do my work " + i);


var async = function (cb) {

    event.on("done", cb);
    for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        console.log("Async " + i);

async(function () {
    console.log("I am done callback!");

This is async execution? In my opinion no! Why, because i had read this sentence many:

An event is fired, so go and do something and then when you have finished it, come back and tell me, but in meanwhile i will do something else.

Like a fast food restaurant scenario. But the code above, when the event work gonna fired, following sequence will happen:

  1. go into the callback
  2. let through the loop
  3. output I do my work n
  4. fired the done event
  5. output I am done callback!
  6. output Async n

why I am done callback! gonna output before Async n? Why is here not like fast food restaurant scenario, like

the work event is fired, go and do you stuff and come back when you done, in meanwhile i will output Async n

This is i used to understand about event driven behavior and async in node. But now i am very confused. I know, javascript works on single thread. How can i write an async function with event emitter? But i think is not possible, because when i emit an event, it will immediately execute the handler.

like image 943
softshipper Avatar asked Jul 19 '13 08:07


People also ask

Is EventEmitter asynchronous?

log("event 1 fired")); // fires event1 without any data pub. emit("event1"); The neat thing about event emitters is that they are asynchronous by nature.

Can an event listener be async?

Event handlers are really a form of asynchronous programming: you provide a function (the event handler) that will be called, not right away, but whenever the event happens.

Why is it that using async functions with event handlers is problematic?

Using async functions with event handlers is problematic, because it can lead to an unhandled rejection in case of a thrown exception: const ee = new EventEmitter(); ee.

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forEach() was never designed to work for asynchronous code. So if you try to make it do that, you will need to do some extra legwork just to make it happen.

1 Answers

I used to understand from node, everything that handle with Event object, it gonna be async execution.

This is incorrect. Events are synchronous. When you add a listener, you're just saving the callback in an object:


When you emit an event, you're just iterating an array and calling each listener:

for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      listeners[i].apply(this, args);

Source code: https://github.com/joyent/node/blob/master/lib/events.js

This is async execution? In my opinion no!

You are correct. It's async if you call any I/O function or use setImmediate, nextTick or a timer—otherwise, it's synchronous. A synchronous code being written asynchrously doesn't convert it to an asynchrous code.

why I am done callback! gonna output before Async n?

Because when you receive the "done" callback you call to "cb":

event.on("done", cb);

When cb returns, the "Async n" loop is executed.

How can i write an async function with event emitter?

Using setImmediate or process.nextTick.

If you want to postpone the "I do my work" loop execution, you can wrap the line events.emit ("work") with nextTick.

var events = require("events");

var event = new events.EventEmitter();

event.on("work", function () {

    for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        console.log("I do my work " + i);


var async = function (cb) {

    event.on("done", cb);
    process.nextTick (function () {         //<-----
    });                                     //<-----
    for (var i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        console.log("Async " + i);

async(function () {
    console.log("I am done callback!");

This will print:

Async 0
Async 1
Async 2
Async 3
Async 4
Async 5
Async 6
Async 7
Async 8
Async 9
Async 10
I do my work 0
I do my work 1
I do my work 2
I do my work 3
I do my work 4
I do my work 5
I do my work 6
I do my work 7
I do my work 8
I do my work 9
I do my work 10
I am done callback!
like image 68
Gabriel Llamas Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10

Gabriel Llamas