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Pass URL to as $routeParam in AngularJS app

How can I pass actual URL (with slashes, commas, etc.) as a $routeParam to AngularJS App?

this will work: http://paprikka.github.io/le-bat/#/preview/asdadasda

this won't: http://paprikka.github.io/le-bat/#/preview/http://page.com

neither will this: http://paprikka.github.io/le-bat/#/preview/http%3A%2F%2Fpage.com

or this: http://paprikka.github.io/le-bat/#/preview/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fpage.com


AngularJS routing mechanism by its design does not allow to pass strings with slashes as query parameters. I can understand the reasoning behind this decision - we don't want to create a stateless server here.

However, there are still cases when using different separators or regular expressions in routes might be necessary.

I wanted to create an app that takes a url hash string parameter and loads its content to an iframe (link here). Routes are set up in pretty standard way (I'm using Coffeescript, but this snippet does not differ from pure js):

  .when('/preview/:src', {templateUrl: 'partials/preview.html',
  controller: 'PreviewCtrl'})
  .when('/preview', {templateUrl: 'partials/preview.html',
  controller: 'PreviewCtrl'})

Of course, I can load url from hash before AngularJS gets bootstrapped and then pass it to the library, but it would be nice if I could also update current route parameter when changing data in scope - that's why I think it's much better not to avoid AngularJS API.

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Rafal Pastuszak Avatar asked Apr 27 '13 20:04

Rafal Pastuszak

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1 Answers

Using $routeProvider in Angular 1.2, you can pass in a url if it's at the end of the path by adding an asterik to the pattern. The following should work whether or not you URLComponentEncode the url.

The route:

angular.module('angularApp', ['ngRoute'])
      .when('/frame/:picture_url*', {
        templateUrl: 'views/frame.html',
        controller: 'PictureFrame'

The controller:

      .controller('PictureFrame', function($scope, $routeParams, $sce){
        //whitelist the URL
        $scope.picture_url = $sce.trustAsResourceUrl($routeParams.picture_url);

Then in your template:

<iframe ng-src="{{picture_url}}"></iframe>
like image 83
mattwad Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10
