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Write a Haskell interpreter in Haskell

A classic programming exercise is to write a Lisp/Scheme interpreter in Lisp/Scheme. The power of the full language can be leveraged to produce an interpreter for a subset of the language.

Is there a similar exercise for Haskell? I'd like to implement a subset of Haskell using Haskell as the engine. Of course it can be done, but are there any online resources available to look at?

Here's the backstory.

I am exploring the idea of using Haskell as a language to explore some of the concepts in a Discrete Structures course I am teaching. For this semester I have settled on Miranda, a smaller language that inspired Haskell. Miranda does about 90% of what I'd like it to do, but Haskell does about 2000%. :)

So my idea is to create a language that has exactly the features of Haskell that I'd like and disallows everything else. As the students progress, I can selectively "turn on" various features once they've mastered the basics.

Pedagogical "language levels" have been used successfully to teach Java and Scheme. By limiting what they can do, you can prevent them from shooting themselves in the foot while they are still mastering the syntax and concepts you are trying to teach. And you can offer better error messages.

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Barry Brown Avatar asked Sep 18 '09 17:09

Barry Brown

People also ask

What is a Haskell interpreter?

[ bsd3, compilers-interpreters, language, library ] [ Propose Tags ] This library defines an Interpreter monad. It allows to load Haskell modules, browse them, type-check and evaluate strings with Haskell expressions and even coerce them into values.

Does Haskell use an interpreter?

Haskell, with its support for pattern matching on data structures, generic structure traversals, and expressive type system, is popular for implementing compilers and interpreters. Here's a selection of compilers and interpreters implemented in Haskell.

Is Haskell written in Haskell?

Architecture. GHC itself is written in Haskell, but the runtime system for Haskell, essential to run programs, is written in C and C--.

Is Haskell compiled or interpreted?

Unlike Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Lua, and other interpreted languages, Haskell is compiled ahead-of-time, directly to native machine code. The compiler (GHC) is remarkably good at optimization and generating efficient executables.

2 Answers

I love your goal, but it's a big job. A couple of hints:

  • I've worked on GHC, and you don't want any part of the sources. Hugs is a much simpler, cleaner implementation but unfortunately it's in C.

  • It's a small piece of the puzzle, but Mark Jones wrote a beautiful paper called Typing Haskell in Haskell which would be a great starting point for your front end.

Good luck! Identifying language levels for Haskell, with supporting evidence from the classroom, would be of great benefit to the community and definitely a publishable result!

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Norman Ramsey Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 17:01

Norman Ramsey

There is a complete Haskell parser: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/haskell-src-exts

Once you've parsed it, stripping out or disallowing certain things is easy. I did this for tryhaskell.org to disallow import statements, to support top-level definitions, etc.

Just parse the module:

parseModule :: String -> ParseResult Module 

Then you have an AST for a module:

Module SrcLoc ModuleName [ModulePragma] (Maybe WarningText) (Maybe [ExportSpec]) [ImportDecl] [Decl]     

The Decl type is extensive: http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/haskell-src-exts/1.9.0/doc/html/Language-Haskell-Exts-Syntax.html#t%3ADecl

All you need to do is define a white-list -- of what declarations, imports, symbols, syntax is available, then walk the AST and throw a "parse error" on anything you don't want them to be aware of yet. You can use the SrcLoc value attached to every node in the AST:

data SrcLoc = SrcLoc      { srcFilename :: String      , srcLine :: Int      , srcColumn :: Int      } 

There's no need to re-implement Haskell. If you want to provide more friendly compile errors, just parse the code, filter it, send it to the compiler, and parse the compiler output. If it's a "couldn't match expected type a against inferred a -> b" then you know it's probably too few arguments to a function.

Unless you really really want to spend time implementing Haskell from scratch or messing with the internals of Hugs, or some dumb implementation, I think you should just filter what gets passed to GHC. That way, if your students want to take their code-base and take it to the next step and write some real fully fledged Haskell code, the transition is transparent.

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Christopher Done Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 17:01

Christopher Done