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Wrap text within circle

I'm using d3 to draw a UML diagram and would like to wrap text within the shapes drawn with d3. I've gotten as far as the code below and can't find a solution to make the text 'fit' within my shape (see image below).

var svg =  d3.select('#svg')
        .attr('width', 500)
        .attr('height', 200);

var global = svg.append('g');

      .attr('cx', 150)
      .attr('cy', 100)
      .attr('r', 50);

  .attr('x', 150)
  .attr('y', 100)
  .attr('height', 'auto')
  .attr('text-anchor', 'middle')
  .text('Text meant to fit within circle')
  .attr('fill', 'red');


like image 398
vladiim Avatar asked Jan 03 '14 22:01


1 Answers

SVG doesn't provide text wrapping, but using foreignObject you can achieve a similar effect. Assuming that radius is the radius of the circle, we can compute the dimensions of a box that will fit inside the circle:

var side = 2 * radius * Math.cos(Math.PI / 4),
    dx = radius - side / 2;

var g = svg.append('g')
    .attr('transform', 'translate(' + [dx, dx] + ')');

    .attr("width", side)
    .attr("height", side)
    .html("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ...");

The group should be displaced a small amount to have the text centered. I know that this is not exactly what is asked, but it can be helpful. I wrote a small fiddle. The result will look like this:

enter image description here

like image 81
Pablo Navarro Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Pablo Navarro