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WPF popup window




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How do I add a pop up window in WPF?

First, in window. xaml we will define a button and pass the values to it's Click property that is the name of the event generated on the clicking of the Show popup button. Here two grids are used, one inside the other. The other grid contains the ellipse with color filled and a button showing the Hide text on it.

What is a StackPanel WPF?

A StackPanel allows you to stack elements in a specified direction. By using properties that are defined on StackPanel, content can flow both vertically, which is the default setting, or horizontally.

How do I close a WPF window?

window. ShowDialog(); Close method of the Window class is used to close a window.

You need to create a new Window class. You can design that then any way you want. You can create and show a window modally like this:

MyWindow popup = new MyWindow();

You can add a custom property for your result value, or if you only have two possible results ( + possibly undeterminate, which would be null), you can set the window's DialogResult property before closing it and then check for it (it is the value returned by ShowDialog()).

In WPF there is a control named Popup.

Popup myPopup = new Popup();
myPopup.IsOpen = true;


<Popup Name="myPopup">
      <TextBlock Name="myPopupText" 
        Popup Text


    Popup codePopup = new Popup();
    TextBlock popupText = new TextBlock();
    popupText.Text = "Popup Text";
    popupText.Background = Brushes.LightBlue;
    popupText.Foreground = Brushes.Blue;
    codePopup.Child = popupText;

you can find more details about the Popup Control from MSDN documentation.

MSDN documentation on Popup control