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WPF & MVVM: Get values from textboxes and send it to ViewModel

I'm trying to get the value of two Texboxes (I'm simulating a login window) when I press a button. The command assigned in the button fires correctly, but I don't know how to get the value of the textboxes to do the "login".

This is my ViewModel:

class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public LoginViewModel()


    private DelegateCommand loginCommand;
    public ICommand LoginCommand
            if (loginCommand == null)
                loginCommand = new DelegateCommand(new Action(LoginExecuted),
                               new Func<bool>(LoginCanExecute));
                return loginCommand;

    public bool LoginCanExecute()
        //Basic strings validation...
        return true;
    public void LoginExecuted()
        //Do the validation with the Database.

This is the view:

 <Grid DataContext="{StaticResource LoginViewModel}">

            <TextBox x:Name="LoginTxtBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="34,62,0,0" Width="154" />
            <PasswordBox x:Name="PasswordTxtBox" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="34,104,0,0" Width="154"/>
            <Button x:Name="btnAccept"
            Content="{DynamicResource acceptBtn}" Height="31" BorderThickness="3"
            Command="{Binding LoginCommand}"/>

If somebody can help...I'll be infinitely grateful.

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Oscar Mateu Avatar asked Jul 01 '13 16:07

Oscar Mateu

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1 Answers

Typically, you'd bind the TextBox.Text properties to properties on your ViewModel. This way, the values are stored within the ViewModel, not the View, and there is no "getting" of the values required.

class LoginViewModel : BaseViewModel
    private string userName;
    public string UserName
        get { return this.userName; }
           // Implement with property changed handling for INotifyPropertyChanged
           if (!string.Equals(this.userName, value))
               this.userName = value;
               this.RaisePropertyChanged(); // Method to raise the PropertyChanged event in your BaseViewModel class...

    // Same for Password...

Then, in your XAML, you'd do something like:

<TextBox Text="{Binding UserName}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="34,62,0,0" Width="154" />
<PasswordBox Text="{Binding Password}" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="23" Margin="34,104,0,0" Width="154"/>

At this point, the LoginCommand can use the local properties directly.

like image 63
Reed Copsey Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 07:10

Reed Copsey