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WPF ListBox with CheckBoxes: select the checkbox before checking it





I have a Listbox, in that Listbox are Checkboxes. On the first click the Checkbox is selected and checked. On the second click the checkbox only gets set. One can reselect a different Checkbox using the arrow keys. My goal is, that the checkbox gets selected first and then checked afterwards (clicking again on it) thus removing the need for Arrow keys.


  • Select the Item on first click
  • Check the Checkbox on second click

The Code:

<ListBox Name="Terminals" ItemsSource="{Binding AllTerminals, Mode=OneWay}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
            <CheckBox Content="{Binding Description}" Foreground="{Binding DisplayColor}"/>
like image 902
Squirrel in training Avatar asked Mar 01 '17 08:03

Squirrel in training

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1 Answers

disable click registration on CheckBox via binding IsHitTestVisible property to selection state of ListBoxItem:

<ListBox Name="Terminals" ItemsSource="{Binding AllTerminals, Mode=OneWay}" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True">
            <CheckBox Content="{Binding Description}" 
                      IsHitTestVisible="{Binding Path=IsSelected, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType=ListBoxItem}}"
                      Foreground="{Binding DisplayColor}"/>

this way the first click will only select ListBoxItem and checkboxes can be checked/unchecked by second click

after items are added to ListBox, the visual tree is the following:


When user click on ListBoxItem, it gets selected (IsSelected=true). When user click on CheckBox, it gets checked or unchecked. But if IsHitTestVisible set to false, click on element will not be registered. Since check/uncheck should work only for selected items, we can create binding between CheckBox.IsHitTestVisible and parent ListBoxItem.IsSelected to achieve such effect

like image 115
ASh Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 21:10