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WPF: How to bind object to ComboBox

Trying to learn how to bind objects to various types of controls. In this instance, I want to get sample data in my object to appear in ComboBox. The code runs but what appears instead of values (David, Helen, Joe) is text "TheProtect.UserControls.Client")

XAML: (ucDataBindingObject.xaml)

<UserControl x:Class="TheProject.UserControls.ucDataBindingObject"              xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"              xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml"              xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008"              xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006"              Width="Auto"              Height="Auto"              mc:Ignorable="d">      <Grid Width="130"           Height="240"           Margin="0">              <ComboBox Width="310"                       HorizontalAlignment="Left"                       VerticalAlignment="Top"                       ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Clients}" />     </Grid> </UserControl> 

C#: ucDataBindingObject.xaml.cs

using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Controls; namespace TheProject.UserControls {     public partial class ucDataBindingObject : UserControl     {          public List<Client> Clients { get; set; }           public ucDataBindingObject()         {             Clients = new List<Client>();             Clients.Add(new Client(1, "David")); // sample data             Clients.Add(new Client(2, "Helen"));             Clients.Add(new Client(3, "Joe"));               InitializeComponent();             this.DataContext = this;         }     } 

C# Client.cs

using System; using System.Linq;  namespace TheProject.UserControls {     public class Client     {         public int ID { get; set; }         public string Name { get; set; }          public Client(int id, string name)         {             this.ID = id;             this.Name = name;         }     } } 
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Unrepentent Geek Avatar asked Sep 28 '13 21:09

Unrepentent Geek

People also ask

How do I bind a ComboBox in WPF?

This article shows how to bind data dynamically from the database and get the ComboBox selected Text and Value. In ComboBox Element set the attribute ItemSource="{Binding}". Here DisplayMemberPath helps to display Text in the ComboBox. SelectedValuePath helps to store values like a hidden field.

What is DataContext WPF?

The DataContext property is the default source of your bindings, unless you specifically declare another source, like we did in the previous chapter with the ElementName property. It's defined on the FrameworkElement class, which most UI controls, including the WPF Window, inherits from.

What is DisplayMemberPath WPF?

DisplayMemberPath specifies the path to the display string property for each item. In your case, you'd set it to "Name" , not "{Binding Name}" .

How do you make a ComboBox searchable in WPF?

When Cb_OnPreviewTextInput is called I set IsDropdownOpen = true . In the first attempt (after typing the first letter) the first item on the list is selected and I can go up and down using relevant arrows, the caret is still in the TextBox .

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2 Answers

There are several ways to tell the framework what to display

1) Use DisplayMemberPath on the ComboBox (this will display the named property):

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Clients}"            DisplayMemberPath="Name" /> 

2) Set ItemTemplate on the ComboBox. This is like #1, except allows you to define a template to display, rather than just a property:

<ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Clients}">     <ComboBox.ItemTemplate>         <DataTemplate>             <Border BorderBrush="Green" BorderThickness="1" Padding="5">                 <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Name,StringFormat='Name: {0}'}" />             </Border>         </DataTemplate>     </ComboBox.ItemTemplate> </ComboBox> 

3) Add a ToString() override to source class. Useful if you always want to display the same string for a given class. (Note that the default ToString() is just the class type name, which is why you see "TheProtect.UserControls.Client".)

public class Client {     // ...      public override string ToString()     {         return string.Format("{0} ({1})", Name, ID);     } } 

4) Add a DataTemplate to the XAML resources. This is useful for associating a given class type with a more complex or stylized template.

<UserControl xmlns:local="clr-namespace:TheProject.UserControls">     <UserControl.Resources>         <DataTemplate DataType="local:Client">             <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}" />         </DataTemplate>     </UserControl.Resources>      // ...  </UserControl>     
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McGarnagle Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 16:09


In DisplayMemberPath, give the name of the property which you want to show in the comboBox. In SelectedValuePath, give the name of the property which you want to select. When you do a ComboBox.SelectedValue, you will get the value of this property.

like image 38
Paranjay Srivastava Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Paranjay Srivastava